How To Prepare For A Tummy Tuck

Photo of Pregnant Woman

As we grow older, our bodies change. Things such as drastic weight gain combined with rapid weight loss,  pregnancy,  trauma and aging can completely change the structure of  your stomach. You do not have to give up if you are in such a situation and diet and exercise do not seem to be working for you.  If you visit  Fresh® Med Spa & Plastic Surgery in Glenview in Chicago, you can have the tight, toned tummy that you want.

So, how does a tummy tuck work? There are different types of tummy tucks, and for this reason you will need to decide the type of tummy tuck that you want.  You could go for a mini-tuck, which is ideal mostly for pregnant women. This one addresses the excess fat as well as skin  on the lower  stomach and loose, sagging skin. You could also go for a full-tuck, which is ideal for people with weak abdominal muscles, excess fat and skin as well as inelastic skin that is affecting the abdomen both below and above the belly button. Another option is an extended tuck, which is right for people who need to get rid of excess fat and skin around their lower back, hips and flanks.  During your initial consultation, a doctor or specialist will help you determine the right one for you.

When you are getting ready for a tummy tuck Chicago, it is essential that you stop taking certain  medications. Examples include aspirin and NSAIDs, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen.  The reason for discontinuing these medications during this period is that  they thin the blood,  and as a result they can affect the results of the treatment.

For more information on how to prepare for a tummy tuck, visit our website at

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