Telehealth Etiquette: Best Practices for Virtual Visits/Telehealth Visit

Best Practices for Virtual Visits/Telehealth Visit Management is an eBook written by Jon Palmer that teaches the best practices for Virtual Visits and Telehealth Visits in the healthcare industry. As he states in the book “The healthcare industry isn’t nearly as advanced as you might think. Practice teams, even those well-meaning consultants, often don’t have the skills to help your business achieve its most promising potential.” The reason why this is the case is simply because there are still many practices that are still not using best practices for virtual visits, telemedicine.

This eBook teaches practices that can be used to make any Virtual Office or Telehealth visit successful. These practices include best practices such as: A plan for the procedure, a way to keep records in-house, making sure you know exactly what is covered in the policy, keeping patients informed and keeping minutes of the consults simple and easy to find. Best practices also include best practices such as: creating a database of all patients, developing an easy-to-use appointment reminder tool, providing easy to find answers to patients’ questions, and keeping records organized. Other things that are covered by the Best Practices for Virtual Visits/ Telehealth Visit Management includes: keeping track of what is going on with the practice and why, what kind of training is necessary for consultants, whether or not to offer a waiting list and when to give patients their time off. Finally, as one would expect it is important to point out that Best Practices for Virtual Visits/ Telehealth Visit Management does not cover costs for any outsourced work as this has been covered in other books by Palmer.

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