Experience The New “E” in Google’s E-E-A-T Ranking System

Which websites appear high on the search engine results page is determined by the Google algorithm (SERP). But Google requires some assistance to ensure it gives its consumers the most relevant and high-quality results, given the billions of web pages it must crawl and review—quality raters are necessary for this situation.

To improve its search algorithm, Google employs hundreds of quality raters who manually evaluate websites and offer comments. The Quality Rater Guidelines are a set of rules that quality raters adhere to. With the aid of the best SEO services in the Philippines, you may create a sound plan for enhancing your website’s content and general user experience by comprehending the standards that Google’s quality raters employ to evaluate websites.

The E-E-A-T Guideline

Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness are all abbreviated as E-E-A-T. Its idea is contained in the QRG, a guide that assists quality raters in assessing the caliber of a website’s content. Google rewards websites that exhibit high levels of E-E-A-T. In other words, your website is more likely to appear higher in search results if it has content that is created with some level of experience, is professionally written, is cited by reliable sources, and is trustworthy.

Materials that outsource web projects to the Philippines that demonstrate some experience will likewise be valued highly under this modified policy. Actual product use, travel to a destination, or sharing an individual’s expertise can represent experience. The importance of content authored by someone with first-hand knowledge of the topic at issue is highlighted by this additional criterion.

Practice E-E-A-T on Your Website

An advantage that should be noticed is having a significant internet presence and a high search engine rating. However, optimizing your website to stand out from the competition can be challenging, given the constantly changing algorithm and many websites competing for the top rank.

Fortunately, SEO companies can now better plan and evaluate their content and strategy according to Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines. E-E-A-T Ranking System, in particular, sheds light on what Google considers essential for websites, user experience, and content quality.

To learn more about this new ranking system, check out this infographic by Digital Marketing Philippines.

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