Digital Marketing in the Retail Sector: What to Expect in 2022?

During the early stages of the Covid pandemic, retailers had to change their processes, with the majority of them experiencing supply chain and inventory issues. While conventional retail has been severely impacted, internet retail continues to thrive.

Retailers were compelled to acknowledge the role of technology in the future as a result of these shifts. Indeed, technology has transformed how people shop and businesses operate storefronts, improve customer experiences, and manage back-office operations.

Here are some retail trends companies should watch out for in 2022. 

Social Commerce

Retailers experiment with a variety of methods to satisfy the changing needs of customers, from selling on Instagram to creating an online store. eCommerce solutions also enable social selling. Social media allows enterprises to reach more customers at a time. And it works: 43% of shops who sell on social networks say their social media sales account for more than half of their revenue. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, provide the greatest money for retailers.

Voice Search

Voice optimization has been with us for nearly a decade now. Its early optimization focused on simply ensuring the smooth answering of simple questions as part of early search and smartphone functionality. Today, there are many more nuances and optimization techniques to voice search aimed to deliver what many retailers refer to as ‘frictionless retail.’

While voice search results are unlikely to lead to direct purchases, they can be an excellent way to reach new customers. Companies can even hire SEO services in the Philippines to make their platforms optimized for voice searches to get ahead of competitors. Focusing on key terms with the highest search volume and those most relevant to your brand is the simplest and most successful strategy to target a voice search result.

Understand more of what retail businesses should expect in 2022 and how to outsource SEO   in an infographic by Digital Marketing Philippines. 

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